Exploring the relationship between digital inclusivity and heath and care equality

A new podcast exploring the relationship between digital inclusivity and heath and care equality has been released by the national Innovation Collaborative for digital health.

Dr Bola Owolabi, Director of Health Inequalities at NHS England and Roz Davies, Associate Director of Thrive by Design, discuss the needs of seldom heard groups, reflect on key learning, progress and offer advice for teams working to support people through on digital innovations like technology-enabled remote monitoring.

During inspiring discussions about bridging societal gaps through digital endeavour, Dr Bola said: “Digital is important and powerful, but it is one of a number of approaches that could be appropriate for an individual or a community depending on the point of their life course.

“We must avoid the temptation to think that this a purely health and care agenda. It a whole societal agenda. We need a cross-sectoral, digital-by-design ethos.”

Roz said: “We need to be clear about the vision of the society we want, we need to think about what our world might be like in five to 10 years’ time, and we really need to value the power of community and people working together collaboratively.”

From left to right this image features; Bola Owolabi, Roz Davies and Nigel Thomas.

Dr Bola Owolabi, Roz Davies and podcast host Nigel Thomas.

The national Innovation Collaborative for digital health is a shared learning network of health and care professionals, voluntary sector partners, academics and digital innovators working together to accelerate the use of digital technology in health and care.


The podcast series is hosted by the NHS Innovation Collaborative which is a FutureNHS workspace and community hosted by the NHS Transformation Directorate and The AHSN Network.

Explore more podcasts from the NHS Innovation Collaborative (hosted by Anne Cooper) using this link.

You can join the Innovation Collaborative FutureNHS workspace using this link.

We are continuing to work with other like minded people at a national, ICS and local level to ensure we take an inclusive approach to digital transformation of health and care. We invite you to join us on that journey by joining our Inclusive Digital Transformation Challenge FutureNHS workspace, a community of over 300 members.


Health Inequalities and the Digital Divide


Health Inequalities Academy - one year on